Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Pros and Cons of buying AAPL stock

Apple Inc.

There has been many things said about AAPL stock since september when it hit its stock price peak of an all time high 705$. And now it is trading at roughly 400$ a share which is almost a 43% decrease in price. If you've been holding the stock from around 600$ you are in immense pain right now and have a tough decision to make. To sell now and take the loss before it goes lower OR have you withered the storm and better days are to come? In my opinion it has nothing to do with any multiples (at which aapl is VERY cheap) or the next quarter earnings and revenue or even the biggest buyback in corporate history adding a 3% dividend. It all has to do with if you believe in the company being able to bring out products that will knock your socks OFF! My opinion is if you own it don't sell for the time being but if you don't you should maybe wait or buy a smaller amount if you cannot wait and want it a cheap price! As you can see with the chart i posted the momentum indicator "Williams %R"
 shows it being overdue for a decent bounce from oversold levels. 

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