Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013



The big talk right now is is bond yields and what's going on on the fed tapering and so on, my thought on all of this is very simple and I believe people are making a huge thing out of nothing, it was obvious that yield had to rise at some point it was obvious the fed could not buy 85 billion dollars worth of bonds on a monthly basis. SO is it a good time to buy some TBT or short the TLT and IEF? The answer is YES and I'm far from the only one with that thought. Things must normalize in the world again and where the US 10 year is at just wont work for anyone same with the stock market being so over inflated. So if you want to make some money over the next couple of months it will be a good place to be because the S&P 500 will be very volatile in the coming months and you would rather be first in the trade then getting in when its very over crowded. 

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