Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Tesla "TSLA"


What a crazy ride this has been if you're a bear or a bull on this company. This was once again the perfect example of going against what the street was saying about the company. It had a huge short float and no one expected the company to even earn an actual profit for the company and it did and the stock exploded to over 105% and doubling the market cap of the company blowing the shorts out of the water. It is also another example not to stand on the wrong side of innovation in the Valley. Now for some reason I have been hearing its the NOW all of a sudden the perfect short for David Einhorn the legendary Hedge Fund manager, which in my mind is ludicrous. I've read his book "Fooling some of the people all of the time" which is a great story if anyone is interested, I doubt he would take an interest in shorting a company like this, not compared to other companies he has shorted in the past so do not take that as a reason to do so if you do. That being said, we all know the company is very overvalued I mean it has a bigger market cap than Alcoa (AA) which is I mean come on just not possible. AA had earning in 2012 of  around 23 billion and a market cap of 8.33 billion and TSLA 2012 earnings of 412 million and a market cap of 12.03 billion. Think what you like on those figures.. but it does not add up no matter how you put it. But as we learned earlier in the year, don't get in the way of innovation, because CEO Elon Musk has not been able to do wrong lately. 

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