Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

The once loved Shiney Yellow Metal Gold (GLD)

This is a tough one to talk about because if you think about it, no one knows why it ever went up. No one could say with 100% certainty why it went up, some said it was a hedge against inflation, others called it the over all fear trade. One thing we know now for sure is that it is not seen as the fear trade, when the markets are selling off, so is gold when the market is having a good day gold is not because people see more value in stocks than in owning gold. I am still a believer in Gold, I know I know you are saying i cant read charts and fundamentally gold is just plan and simply not working. I am not suggesting gold should be bought right now with all the money in your portfolio, but i don't think it has seen its all time highs for the next 5 years. Inflation may be getting a little more steady in the USA for the time being but if we look over to Japan it is a whole new story again, the same story as it was in the USA 2 years ago. I also think for the near time gold will have more downside and maybe even test the very important 1000$ level, it is currently at 1274$. In my mind though, the gold bulls will step in before it gets to that.
Also as a side note, don't be fooled by all the reports from China and India saying how the demand is sky rocketing, as much as it would seem to do with the gold futures, it does not.

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